17-4 Precipitation Hardening also known as Type 630 is a chromium-copper precipitation hardening stainless steel, used for applications requiring high strength and a moderate level of corrosion resistance, high strength is maintained to approximately 600 degrees Fahrenheit (316 degrees Celsius).
General Properties:
17-4PH is a precipitation hardening martensitic stainless steel with Cu and Nb/Cb additions. high strength,hardness (up to 572°F / 300°C), and corrosion resistance. Mechanical properties can be optimized with heat treatment. Very high yield strength up to 1100-1300MPa (160-190ksi) can be achieved. The grade should not be used at temperatures above 572°F (300°C) or at very low temperatures. It has adequate resistance to atmospheric corrosion or in diluted acids or salts where its corrosion resistance is equivalent to Alloy 304 or 430. Corrosion Resistance Alloy 17-4 PH withstands corrosive attacks better than any of the standard hardenable stainless steels and is comparable to Alloy 304 in most media. If there are potential risks of stress corrosion cracking, the higher aging temperatures then must be selected over 1022°F (550°C), preferably 1094°F (590°C). 1022°F (550°C) is the optimum tempering temperature in chloride media.1094°F (590°C) is the optimum tempering temperature in H2S media. The alloy is subject to crevice or pitting attack if exposed to stagnant seawater for any length of time. It is corrosion resistant in some chemical, petroleum, paper, dairy and food processing industries (equivalent to 304L grade).
17-4PH stainless steel corrosion resistance is superior to any other standard hardenable stainless steel, and in most cases, its corrosion resistance are no less than 304, if there is a risk of stress corrosion cracking, high curing temperature must be higher than 550 ° F (1022 ° C) C, it is best to 590 ° F (1094 °C) C, chloride medium best tempering temperature is 550 ° C to 1022 ° C F, H2S medium best tempering temperature is 590 ° C to 1094 ° C F, 17-4HPstainless steel liable to suffer from corrosion cracks or corrosion in static water, its ability to resist corrosion in petrochemical industry and paper industry as well as 304 L grade the same.
17-4 PH stainless steel cold forming:
Cold forming, Can only be conducted on the plank of softening condition after cold working, through the secondary in quench hardening temperature, aging, corrosion resistance can be enhanced.
Shanghai Omega Machinery Co., Ltd.
Add.: No.168 Hualian Road, Putuo District, Shanghai City
Contact: Williams Wu
Tel.: +86-021-69921527
Mobile: +86-18616920618
Fax: +86-021-69921567
E-mail: alphawu@126.com;965425705@qq.com
WeChat No.: wxsyyk1203will