How do you measure extruder screw length?

Mar 08,2024

Measuring the length of an extruder screw typically involves a few steps:

Remove the Screw: First, you'll need to detach the screw from the extruder. This usually involves disassembling the extruder assembly to access the screw.

Visual Inspection: Examine the screw closely. Identify the starting point (usually where the material enters) and the end point (where it exits).

Measure Length: Using a ruler or calipers, measure the distance from the starting point to the end point of the screw. Ensure to measure along the central axis of the screw for accuracy.

Consideration of Flight Depth: Some screws have flights (the raised ridges along the screw) that extend beyond the core diameter of the screw. If this is the case, measure from the tip of one flight to the tip of the opposite flight for a more accurate measurement.

Record the Measurement: Note down the measured length for reference or documentation purposes.

Remember to handle the extruder screw carefully during the measurement process to avoid any damage or distortion.

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